"How can this NOT make your day better!" Condie Grohs


After meeting and working with Hope (our beautiful Alice) for a few years, we absolutely fell in love with her free spirit, kindness and loving nature.  Getting to know her and watching her talents blossoming right in front of our eyes made us realize how little we knew about Down Syndrome prior to meeting her.  It also became apparent how much of a stigma Down Syndrome still has in our society. 

We decided we'd like to create a project that showcases sparkling personalities and the ingenuity of children with an extra chromosome in hopes of breaking the existing stereotypes and helping people understand how wonderful and amazing they are. This is how this calendar came to be. 

Now that we look through the images, we can't think of choosing a better theme or a better group of little actors.  

By purchasing our 'Wonderland' calendar you can help to raise the awareness and promote the talents of children with DS.  

Here is our WONDERFUL 'Alice in Wonderland' cast


"Seeing children and parents come together for this project was magical. We had a blast shooting and were amazed by how each child just got into their role perfectly. The diversity of images representing a common feature in the children really makes me a proud Mom and an advocate for children with Down Syndrome.  It couldn't have turned out any better."  Stacy Routledge (Alice's mom)