I wanted to photograph this this family for so long…
Read moreGenerations of Love
I’m not sure if the right words have been invented to describe the depth of connection and support present in every move, every smile and every hug this family shares…
Fortunately I’m not restricted to words :)
I hope images will tell you everything… How amazing, caring and loving this family is. How grateful they are for having each other…. and how lucky Alf and I are for being able to spend some time with them :)
Chantelle and Darcy's Wedding - Part III
May your hearts always beat for each other!
We wish you a lifetime of happiness!
May the years ahead you be filled with love, lasting joy and warmth!
Even though it’s hard to see what’s going on in this photo, this is a special moment.
Darcy just opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the Big Day.
If you look closely, you’ll be able to see see the cork hitting the water.
Chantelle and Darcy's Wedding - Part II
Guys getting ready…
It’s important to get all the details right.
Chantelle and Darcy's Wedding - Part I
It was such a beautiful wedding!
Extra special for us too! We’ve known this family for so many years … it feels like they are our family!
It ‘s absolutely impossible to post all of the photos we took…
Even to give you a little taste we had to divide it in three parts:
I - Girls Getting Ready
II - Guys Getting Ready
III - Tying the Knot
And the Winners Are...
Happy Mother’s Day!
We want to say
to EVERYONE who participated in the Draw!
We have a Mother’s Day Surprise for ALL of you and we’ll contact you shortly
Congratulations to our Winners!!!
We hope you have the most fabulous day!!!
Svetlana & Alf
Mother's Day “Photo to Art” Draw
Do you have a photo you would love to turn into an Art Piece?
ENTER our Mother’s Day Draw
DRAW will take place on May 10th, 2020
Tell us what was the BEST MOTHER’s DAY GIFT you’ve ever received
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Welcome to Our Beautiful Chaos
Finally, some people!
Real people…
… and wonderful people at that!!!
It was fabulous to get out of the house, talk to friends… and of course take some photos.
All from an appropriate distance and with a zoom lens :)
While the people were happy to be outside, the cats were desperate to get back in the house.
National Navy League Cadet of the Year
We would like to congratulate Lily Borean
with becoming the National Navy League Cadet of the year!
This award is the highest achievement that a Navy League Cadet can receive in Canada.
Lily joined The Navy League Cadet program at 9 years old after her friend from school told her about it.
It was her dedication to the Corp values, self-discipline, leadership and high achievement that made her recognized as the National Navy League Cadet of the Year.
She won the Wings of Mercy Award at the Annual Ceremonial Review in May 16, 2019 for the highest mark in the First Aid Training.
She was promoted to CP02 October 2, 2019 and appointed to Coxswain.
She was promoted to CP01 December 5, 2019.
Photos by Jennifer Borean
I didn’t know what any of these abbreviations meant, so I asked Lily’s Mom Jennifer.
CP01 is Chief Petty Officer First Class.
The highest rank a cadet can achieve writing exams in their Corp in a Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class. To become a CP01 you must be promoted by the officers after achieving a higher level of dedication and achievement.
Cox’n is the abbreviation of Coxswain.
To become a Coxswain you must then be further promoted by the Officers and the Commanding Officer as there can only be one Coxswain be per Corp at any given time.
The Navy League Cadet program is the only cadet program open to kids from 9-12 years.
Lily has always wanted to join Air Cadets but must wait until she turns 12.
She comes from a family with a big family tradition and connection to the Air Cadet program.
She plans to move onto Air Cadets this fall as she will age out of Navy League when she turns 12 in May.
We’re so proud of you, Lily!
Wildflower Fairy - Dancing in the Wind
“…the life of a grandchild. It's amazing how they make everything in the world great!…”
Judy Ashton
The granddaughter of very dear friends, this sweet little Fairy reminds me of a beautiful wildflower.
Free spirited… Delicate and resilient …
Dancing in the wind and genuinely enjoying it.
Every little one of her smiles sparkles with playfulness and mischief :)
What a little poser!
Years of practice, I take it :)
She makes you believe Magic is real.
Because she is Magic herself!
Judy, she looks sooo much like you!!!
The Whisper of Magic - Part II
Here we go… Part II :)
Watching this adorable trio interacting with each makes your heart melt in seconds.
There’s so much love, tenderness and care! You just want to go and hug them all :)
All three of them are still at that age when curiosity and creativity fuels everything they do (and the energy levels, as you can imagine, are t h r o u g h the r o o f !)
So… we managed to pack a lot of ‘action’ into an hour and get a lot of beautiful photos as we went along.
Awww… Soo precious!!!
So glad we were able to capture the image below.
Everyone is laughing! FOR REAL!!!
I’d say session was a great success :)
The Whisper of Magic - Part I
It’s been eight years since we started taking Enchanted Forest portraits… and yet I always get surprised by how magical images turn out… Every single time!
It is absolutely amazing what a child’s imagination can do to a studio set and to your heart!
The photos from this shoot naturally landed themselves into two categories: Magical and Fun.
I didn’t want to fight it and divided the posts into two parts as well.
This one, as you can probably tell, is the Magic one :)
Please check back for part II.
I am NOT marrying the bear - part II
Well… of course, we had more than one bear.
This one didn’t make the cut either!
Even as soft and cuddly as it is… :)
In the photo below:
I said: “Let’s do a brother-sister photo. I’m not going to pose you, you just pose yourselves".
And this is what I got. Isn’t it awesome!!!
Watching these two play together melts my heart.
You can see so much care and warmth for each other in everything they do.
And finally here’s some ‘End of the Session’ fun…
Where did an hour and a half go?
I am Not Marrying
the Bear - Part I
I am NOT marrying the bear!
H: “I’m NOT marrying the bear!”
Me: “Why not?”
H: “It’s not real and it stays here all the time! It doesn’t go anywhere!”
How do children think of these things?
All because I asked her to give the bear a hug and maybe a kiss…
Good thing we did the Enchanted Forest portraits last year. I would imagine kissing the frog would be out of question now :)
Having these two at our studio is always such a treat.
I think they really enjoy their “portrait dates” with us too :)
I wish I could take credit for bringing out these gorgeous smiles and laughter… but I can’t. The credit goes to Shelley (these children’s Mom) and her creative strategy full of hilarious tricks & unexpected maneuvers!
Now… who would think that putting a french horn bugle on your head would make you look like an ear, nose and throat specialist?
And a genuinely happy ear, nose and throat specialist at that!!
These guys are so easy to photograph… I went overboard as usual and all the photos turned out beautifully.
The second instalment of images from this shoot is going to be up tomorrow.
They grow so fast!!!
It’s hard to believe how fast another year went by…
Suddenly keeping everyone together in one frame is a breeze.
Perfect smiles? - Not a problem!
Beautiful pose? - Here you go!
Being around this this family has a therapeutic effect.
There is so much love, warmth and care… You can’t help, but feel a part of it :)
the image below is one of my favourite images from this shoot.
I think I might print it large and hang it i the studio.
What are you reading?
This is way too funny. Just a year ago Tristan would wiggle out of the frame every chance he got and look at him today… giving a valuable advice on posing to his sister :)
I Believe in Magic...
I’m in awe of children… quite obviously.
Their imagination, sense of wonder and persistent inquisitiveness of the mind inspired a huge portion of my work over the years.
Unfortunately you cannot put all of the photos you love into one little video ( even though I tried… and tried…and tried :) Still, here is tiny glimpse into the Magic World of Childhood Fantasies and our Enchanted Forest.
There is Magic in the World… And we capture it!
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Beautiful inside and out (sisters make good times even better)!
Another month flew by… Way too fast!
I didn’t even notice until I saw the date on my calendar - July 31st… No way!
Before the summer is gone, I have to post these photos.
I can’t even tell you how happy I am I was able to squeeze this shoot in before things got really crazy busy in my “other” enterprise :)
These girls are a dream to photograph.
They are so fabulously sincere, spontaneous and creative.
Beautiful inside and out!
Let’s go to the hill … and blow some bubbles :)
I’m absolutely positive sisters make good times even better!
Smoothies Make My Day Go Smoothly :)
Another fabulous family and another super fan shoot.
The most important part, the girls really liked their smoothies!
And they sure knew how to pose!
All an intense (as you can see above) and highly productive brainstorming session, we were off to the park for the main portion of our shoot.
They did such an awesome job! After we finished the shoot we had to go back to Prairie Donair and get smoothies for ourselves :)
I’m so late on all my Facebook posting these days. As in… the last half a year or so.
I’m super incredibly grateful to everyone, who hasn’t given up on me and still likes, comments and shares my posts on Facebook. I started a new business recently and it consumed all of my time.
When it all settles down, I hope I’ll have a little bit more time for photography.
Please stay tuned!
The in-between moments of the Prairie Donair Smoothie Shoot
We couldn’t have picked a better day for the Prairie Donair Smoothie Shoot.
Nice and warm. Trees in bloom. No wind!!
So we thought we’d take a few breaks and enjoy the weather.
Helloooo… :)
Time goes so fast when when you photograph someone as awesomely cute, as these two are.
I love, love, love this image!!! It tells a story…
…so is this one…
…and this one.
Have you ever noticed how fascinated with branches and sticks some (most) children are?
Not sure where it comes from, but the moment someone finds one - the search for a stick of the equal length is on!
Prairie Donair Smoothie Shoot
For the longest time I did my best to avoid commercial shoots involving people. Children in particular.
I just couldn’t see how a commercial shoot could be anything but boring for a child.
Boring - is not my style, so away I stayed.
Right until our friends at Prairie Donair introduced Summer Smoothies :)
Right from the start I got some huge smiles… Which I thought was very promising!
The image above is not posed or prompted.
This was one of the things our two little models did while waiting for their smoothies :)
After getting all of our shots do at the restaurant, we headed to the park.
It turned out to be a great idea!
Smoothies and parks are made for each other!
The shoot went so well, we decided to do another one…
So more photos are coming up soon.
Oh! And one last thing…
These smoothies are soooo good!!!
And I mean it !