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Smoothies Make My Day Go Smoothly :)

Another fabulous family and another super fan shoot.

The most important part, the girls really liked their smoothies!

And they sure knew how to pose!

All an intense (as you can see above) and highly productive brainstorming session, we were off to the park for the main portion of our shoot.

They did such an awesome job! After we finished the shoot we had to go back to Prairie Donair and get smoothies for ourselves :)

I’m so late on all my Facebook posting these days. As in… the last half a year or so.

I’m super incredibly grateful to everyone, who hasn’t given up on me and still likes, comments and shares my posts on Facebook. I started a new business recently and it consumed all of my time.

When it all settles down, I hope I’ll have a little bit more time for photography.

Please stay tuned!